Table Plans

Table Plans
We are often asked about producing table plans for weddings and parties. We suggest they should be A2 or A1 in size and we can supply them on 3mm or 5mm Foamx board, which is very light but stiff and can be placed on a stand or hung at the entrance to the room or venue.
People do have some wonderful ideas for table plans, however, from past experience, although these look great to the organiser, they can be of less use to the guests!
The table plan is intended to help people seat themselves quickly - os unless it is clear to read and intuitive to use, the guests will be struggling to find their name and milling around.
The very safest option is to have the names in alphabetical order, specifically sorted by their surname, and a table name or number next to their name. The details on the cards need to be large enough to read from a distance of a few feet, so that more than one or two people can view it at a time.
For a large gathering it is work considering more than one table plan. This will speed up the sitting of the guests.
We can credit a plan of the tables as well, if required, which gives a plan view of the room. Alternatively, having table names or number cards is very effective - make sure they are visible from the Table plan.
You can send us an Excel spreadsheet with the details but please ask us how to lay out the details before wasting lots of time!